Why is it called artillery fern?

The common name is artillery plant or artillery fern, but it is not a fern. It shoots its seeds a distance from the plant – hence artillery, and its ability to spread. The Latin name is Pilea microphylla. It is grown as an ornamental pot plant in colder climates, but can become a nuisance in south Louisiana gardens.

How do you care for artillery ferns?

Growing in full sun but preferring light shade, artillery plant needs well-drained yet moist soils and should only be watered when the soil dries. Plant on 18- to 24-inch centers to establish a quick cover. Plants may be pinched occasionally to encourage bushiness but this is seldom necessary.

Is artillery fern edible?

Artillery plant apparently is edible, though we don’t recommend it. The ASPCA has it on its list of nontoxic plants if that’s any reassurance. It also has been used medicinally in Cuba. Some scientific testing of the compounds found in the plant show antibacterial and antioxidant potential.

How much light does an artillery plant need?

Outside, growing artillery plants should be located in a shade to part shade area, receiving only morning sun. Indoors, place the artillery plant in a location where it gets bright and filtered, indirect light from a window or on a shady patio during warm months.

What plants are good in an open terrarium?

Some of the most common plants being used for open terrariums are hens and chicks, aloe, desert cacti, succulents, and air plants. Many of these air plants can even be placed in open, hanging style terrariums. Hen and Chicks succulent are also known as house leaks.

Is pilea Microphylla invasive?

Invasive species Pilea microphylla has been introduced to various tropical and subptropical regions around the world.

How do you get rid of rockweed?

Removal and/ or disturbance of habitat: Dredging, filling, blasting of ledges, removal of boulders, impoundment of water, sediment loading and over-turning of rocks displaces, smothers or removes rockweed and its habitat.

Do old pilea leaves fall off?

Don’t over-worry: some leaf drop on your Pilea is normal. Older Pileas will likely drop a leaf or two occasionally. Usually, as lower old leaves fall, new leaves will form on the top.

Is artillery plant poisonous?

Artillery Plant is an herbaceous perennial or annual that in its native tropical habitat it can be a groundcover. #houseplant#interiorscape#non-toxic for horses#non-toxic for dogs#non-toxic for cats#container plants.

Is pilea Microphylla a fern?

It has light green, almost succulent, stems and tiny 1/8″ leaves which contribute to its other nickname, “Artillery Fern”, though it is not related to ferns. It is grown as a ground cover in many areas….Pilea microphylla.

Artillery plant
Family: Urticaceae
Genus: Pilea
Species: P. microphylla
Binomial name

Is artillery fern a succulent?

The plant belongs to the family Urticaceae. It has light green, almost succulent, stems and tiny 1/8″ leaves which contribute to its other nickname, “Artillery Fern”, though it is not related to ferns. It is grown as a ground cover in many areas.