Will Cat acne go away on its own?

Feline acne can subside on its own once you treat any contributing illnesses or imbalances. Wash the affected area daily using a gentle organic soap that does not contain artificial dyes or perfumes.

Why is my cats acne getting worse?

If the acne tends to get worse when their food or water bowl hasn’t been cleaned recently, clean the bowls more often. Also, clean your cat’s face after they eat and drink, and consider using ceramic bowls instead.

Can I put hydrogen peroxide on my cat’s chin acne?

If your cat will tolerate it, you can clean the area under your cat’s chin with warm soapy water, or with a cat wipe with astringent properties that is safe to use on cats. Do not use hydrogen peroxide.

How do I stop my cat getting chin acne?

As mentioned, one of the best ways to prevent feline chin acne is to switch from plastic bowls to ceramic, glass, or stainless steel. Take steps to minimize your cat’s stress and ensure good grooming occurs to help promote healthy skin and fur, which will decrease the chances for clogged hair follicles.

Why is Cat acne black?

The first signs of acne developing are black spots on your cat’s lips and chin. These are due to blocking of the glands and most often the disease does not progress further; if it does, the blocked gland may become infected and pus-filled spots develop. In some severe cases of acne there is hair loss and scarring.

Can I use Neosporin on my cat’s acne?

Some cats will need to have antibiotics given by mouth or a long acting antibiotic injection. Occasionally, a topical medication can be used to help clear up the problem, but cats will generally groom off the medication! I generally don’t recommend Neosporin ointment, because cats tend to ingest it.

What can I put on my cats acne?

Treatment often involves improved hygiene. A benzoyl peroxide facial preparation or an antiseborrheic shampoo is used to cleanse the affected area and flush out the hair follicles. Mupirocin ointment is highly effective in many cases. Clindamycin gel or liquid preparation is also beneficial for many cats.

What’s the black stuff on my cat’s chin?

Those black specks are actually blackheads, similar to blackheads in humans. In more severe cases, a cat can develop red sores and lesions on the chin area. Some cats are more prone to acne than others. Your vet may clean the area and clip the fur, and then apply a topical treatment to your cat’s chin.

Does Neosporin help with feline acne?

It can also help prevent any more infections from occurring, along with generally speeding up the wound’s recovery process. However, Neosporin should not be used in cases where the cat is afflicted with an already infected skin condition, such as an abscess or feline acne.

What is the best treatment for cat acne?

The best treatment for feline acne is a gentle antibacterial wash, which will keep the skin clean while removing the comedomes. The condition should clear up within a few days; if it doesn’t, the cat may have a more serious problem.

Is it safe to treat feline chin acne with witch hazel?

Witch hazel is safe to apply to the chin of a kitty with feline acne. Often we will first use a mild astringent like salt water (1tbsp salt to a pint warm water) to bathe the area (since Stridex can be a bit harsh on delicate kitty skin), dry it thoroughly,…

What causes cat acne?

Causes. Acne in cats can be caused by poor grooming habits or abnormalities in your cat’s skin surface, oil production or immune-barrier function. It can also be caused by excessive grooming where the chin is repeatedly rubbed on the fur.