Do wood pigeons eat vegetables?

Q What damage do pigeons do in the garden? A Wood pigeons have a voracious appetite for brassicas, including spring cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, and will deterrents quickly strip the leaves off these plants until they are down to bare stalks.

What food do wood pigeons eat?

Unlike the city pigeon, a wood pigeon’s diet consists mostly of vegetables and leaves. They particularly love crops like cabbages, peas, sprouts and grains. They also like to eat shoots, seeds and nuts.

Do wood pigeons eat lettuce?

Pigeons are relatively easy to put off, however. You do not need to totally enclose the plants. Since 2012 they have developed a real taste for lettuces and will eat all the leaf they can reach, especially when the plants are small.

What are pigeons favorite food?

Domestic pigeons don’t have access to lunch leftovers in the park, so their diet consists of their favorite food: grains, including corn, peas, wheat and sorghum. The grains are not cooked or popped — they are fed to the pigeons raw.

How do I stop pigeons from eating my vegetables?


  1. The only certain way of protecting vulnerable plants from pigeons is to grow them under netting or in a fruit cage.
  2. Scaring devices or repellent substances are likely to give, at best, only temporary protection.

Are wood pigeons vermin?

Due to their scavenging nature, similarities between rats and pigeons are common. For this reason, pigeons are considered a ‘pest species’ by local councils and people who operate within the pest control industry do refer to these birds as vermin.

Should I feed wood pigeons in my garden?

Wood pigeons are, perhaps, the least fussy eaters of all common garden birds. They will pretty much eat anything put out on the table, but there are one or two types of food Wood pigeons favour. Put out seeds and grain, and they will swoop down in excitement, even to the detriment of other garden birds.

Do wood pigeons eat fruit?

Wood pigeons are naturally vegetarian. They live on seeds, nuts, berries, grains and buds/shoots of young plants. In the garden, they will eat pretty much anything you put on the bird table, especially peanuts, sunflower hearts and seed mix.

What can pigeons not eat?

What not to feed wild birds: Your complete guide

  • Avocado. This so-called superfood is not so super for our wild birds.
  • Fruit pits or seeds. Most fruits are fine for birds to eat, but it’s important to avoid fruits that have seeds or pits in them.
  • Chocolate.
  • Milk.
  • Fruits.
  • Potatoes.
  • Porridge oats.

How do I stop pigeons eating my cabbages?

The obvious choice is to net the crop. I use enviromesh or veggiemesh draped over beds of brassicas. It is so finely woven that it keeps out both cabbage white butterflies and pigeons. I drape the netting over a few hazel sticks and tamp it down with stones or bricks.

Is it good to have wood pigeons in your garden?

What kind of veggies can a pigeon eat?

Pigeons are seed eaters but will sometimes eat other things .. one of the known favorites is thawed frozen green peas. Give ’em a try. I also know someone on another list who thaws out frozen mixed veggies and her young pigeon devours them.

Is it OK to feed pigeons and doves seeds?

The problem with offering pigeons and doves diets containing seeds is that they selectively eat only the seeds and do not get any of the nutritional benefits from the pellets. “Seeds can be part of a pigeon’s diet but should not comprise the entire diet.”

Is it OK to feed a pigeon pelleted food?

One expert suggests that a pigeon eating 50% of its diet in the form of pelleted food may not need supplements. Specific vitamins or minerals may be more important at various times during a pigeon or dove’s life (e.g., calcium supplements during egg laying)).

What should I Feed my hand raised pigeon?

Hand raised babies are the easiest to start on a pelleted diet. Pellets are the ideal diet, therefore you are encouraged to slowly wean seed eatin g birds onto a pelleted diet. Pellets should ideally represent approximately 50% of a pigeon’s diet. There are many good brands of pelleted foods in the market place.