Does administrative processing mean denial?

5. If my application is subject to administrative processing, does this mean my visa application was denied or will be denied? Not necessarily. When an individual is placed in administrative processing, visa eligibility has not been determined.

What does refused for administrative processing mean?

Refusal under Section 221(g) means that essential information is missing from an application or that an application requires additional administrative processing. The officer will either tell you that the case has to undergo administrative processing, or will ask you to submit additional information.

What does refused mean in CEAC after interview?

A visa applicant whose case previously displayed as being in “Administrative Processing” on his or her case status page now displays as being “refused.” Although some refusals under INA section 221(g) can be overturned, the change in the CEAC correctly reflects that the applicant’s visa application has been refused.

How long administrative processing takes for Iranian?

Most administrative processing is resolved within 60 days of the visa interview. When administrative processing is required, the timing will vary based on the individual circumstances of each case. You can check the status of your visa application on

Can I reapply for US visa after denial?

After being found ineligible for a visa, you may reapply in the future. If you reapply for a visa after being found ineligible, with the exception of 221(g) refusals, you must submit a new visa application and pay the visa application fee again.

Is Refused same as administrative processing?

A visa application under “administrative processing” will be deemed “refused” unless and until the application is overturned.

What does a refused visa status mean?

A visa refusal under section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) means the applicant did not establish eligibility for a visa to the satisfaction of the consular officer, as is required under U.S. law, specifically section 291 of the INA.

How long after being denied a U.S. visa can you reapply?

You can reapply any time after 3 business days following the previous rejection. You don’t have to wait for 6 months or longer. However, it is very unlikely that your circumstances would change significantly within 3 days.

Does the US embassy keep a record of visa denials?

Yes, she has to answer the question honestly. The visa denial is within her record.