What are the 12 archetypes in literature?

12 Archetypal Characters to Use in Your Writing

  • The Lover.
  • The Hero.
  • The Magician.
  • The Outlaw.
  • The Explorer.
  • The Sage.
  • The Innocent.
  • The Creator.

What are the archetypes in literature?

Archetype: Generally, the original model from which something is developed or made; in literary criticism, those images, figures, character types, settings, and story patterns that, according to the Swiss analytical psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, are universally shared by people across cultures.

What are the archetypes in film?

Heroes. Central figures in stories.

  • Mentor. The hero’s guide or guiding principles.
  • Allies. Characters who help the hero throughout the quest.
  • Herald. The one who brings the Call to Adventure.
  • Trickster. Clowns and mischief-makers.
  • Shapeshifter.
  • Threshold Guardians.
  • Shadow.
  • What are the 4 archetypes in literature?

    The four major archetypes to emerge from his work, which Jung originally terms primordial images, include the anima/animus, the self, the shadow, and the persona. Additionally, Jung referred to images of the wise old man, the child, the mother, and the maiden.

    What archetype is the Joker?

    Jester archetype
    The trickster is well-known as the Jester archetype and is a powerful character; with sheer intelligence and brilliance he manipulates and disobeys the “system” and “authority.” The exhibition of his unconventional behavior acts as a facade for his true inner intentions!

    What are the 7 archetypes?

    The 7 story archetypes are:

    • Overcoming the Monster.
    • Rags to Riches.
    • The Quest.
    • Voyage and Return.
    • Comedy.
    • Tragedy.
    • Rebirth.

    How are archetypes used in literature and film?

    Archetypes are tools used in literature and film to represent common elements of the human experience and life in general. They’re universally recognizable, and even used in psychology to identify behavior patterns based on the symbols and myths of different cultures.

    Which is the best example of an archetypal character?

    Some archetypal characters are well known—the hero, for instance—while others, such as the sage, are discussed less frequently outside of literary circles. While some archetypes lend themselves most readily to protagonists or villains, it’s worth noting that any of these archetypes can apply to good, bad, major, or minor characters.

    What are the archetypes of a narrative artform?

    Take this quiz to find out. For thousands of years, narrative artforms have featured archetypes—characters built on a set of traits that are specific and identifiable.

    What’s the difference between a cliche and an archetype?

    As a general rule, common archetypes and stock characters provide guidelines for characterization, while stereotypes and clichés are negative labels, used to describe bad writing or shallow thinking. A stereotype is an oversimplified notion or characterization.