What is an afferent limb?

The afferent limb transfers bile, pancreatic, and proximal intestinal secretions distally towards the anastomosis (gastrojejunostomy in Billroth II/Whipple procedures and jejunojejunostomy in Roux-en-Y). The efferent loop receives and transfers the ingested food and liquids.

Where is the afferent limb?

The afferent loop consists of the duodenal stump, the remainder of the duodenum, and the segment of jejunum proximal to the gastrojejunostomy. The clinically relevant portion of the loop pertaining to ALS is the jejunal portion of the afferent limb.

What is afferent loop obstruction?

Afferent loop obstruction, also called afferent loop syndrome, is a mechanical complication that infrequently occurs following construction of a GJ. The creation of a GJ leaves a segment of proximal small bowel (duodenum and proximal jejunum) upstream from the anastomosis.

Which is the Roux limb?

The Roux limb, the middle portion of the small intestine also known as the jejunum, is connected to the pouch. Food flows directly from the pouch into the Roux limb, bypassing most of the stomach.

What is the biliopancreatic limb?

The biliopancreatic limb, also known as the duodenum, is located at the beginning of the small intestine. This limb contains digestive juices from the stomach, bile and pancreas.

What is an alimentary limb?

This is the Roux limb. It accepts incoming food and transmits it from the gastric remnant to the colon. It is sometimes referred to as the “feeding” or “alimentary” limb (to differentiate it from the “biliopancreatic limb”).

What is Rny stand for?


Acronym Definition
RNY Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
RNY Rochester, New York
RNY Required Net Yield
RNY Reckson New York Property Trust (Australia)

What does it mean to have afferent limb syndrome?

Afferent loop syndrome is a problem that can occur after some kinds of stomach surgery. It’s also known as afferent limb syndrome. It occurs when something traps the flow of digestive juices in the afferent loop. Fluid pressure builds up in the loop and causes discomfort and nausea.

What do you need to know about afferent loop syndrome?

Afferent loop syndrome is an intermittent partial or complete mechanical obstruction of the afferent limb of a gastrojejunostomy. The syndrome classically refers to obstruction of the upstream limb of a side-to-side gastrojejunostomy but has also been used to refer to the biliopancreatic limb of a Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy. It can be seen after:

Is the small intestine part of the afferent loop?

It’s also known as afferent limb syndrome. The small intestine loop has 2 loops. The loop going to the upper stomach is the afferent loop. The loop carrying food away from the stomach is called the efferent loop.

What kind of gastrectomy causes afferent loop syndrome?

The loop going to the upper stomach is the afferent loop. The loop carrying food away from the stomach is called the efferent loop. Afferent loop syndrome can occur after some types of gastrojejunostomy. One type is the Billroth II gastrectomy.