What is digital jihad?

Digital Jihad is the first book to explore this rapidly evolving and still little understood aspect of the Palestinian resistance movement. Drawing on extensive interviews with hackers and other activists, it provides a unique and fascinating new perspective on the Palestinian struggle. Print length. 240 pages.

What are the 5 forms of jihad?

The five Pillars of Islam as Jihad

  • Learning the Qur’an by heart, or engage in other religious study.
  • Overcoming things such as anger, greed, hatred, pride, or malice.
  • Giving up smoking.
  • Cleaning the floor of the mosque.
  • Taking part in Muslim community activities.
  • Working for social justice.

What is the difference between offensive and defensive jihad?

Offensive jihad aimed at expanding the territory of Islam as a collective duty. Jihad did not, however, imply conversion by force—the Koran specifically states that “there is no compulsion in religion.” Defensive jihad made it an individual duty for every Muslim to resist foreign aggression.

What is the jihad?

1 : a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline. 2 : a crusade for a principle or belief.

What jihad actually means?

Jihad, according to Islamic law The Arabic term jihad literally means a “struggle” or “striving.” This term appears in the Quran in different contexts and can include various forms of nonviolent struggles: for instance, the struggle to become a better person.

Can a Hindu eat beef?

Hindus who do eat meat, often distinguish all other meat from beef. The respect for cow is part of Hindu belief, and most Hindus avoid meat sourced from cow as cows are treated as a motherly giving animal, considered as another member of the family. The Cham Hindus of Vietnam also do not eat beef.