What is the difference between Panendoscopy and endoscopy?

Upper endoscopy, also known as panendoscopy, is a visual examination of the lining of the esophagus, stomach and upper section of the small intestine using a flexible tube with a miniature lighted camera, known as a fiber-optic endoscope.

Why do I need a Panendoscopy?

This operation is usually performed when there is suspicion of a cancer within the head and neck. It allows the surgeon to fully assess the oral cavity, larynx (voicebox) and oesophagus (food-pipe) to identify the extent of any growths, and take biopsies (which can include a tonsillectomy) to aid in diagnosis.

Is a Panendoscopy painful?

Patients tend to be uncomfortable after this surgery and it is usual to have a sore throat – if pain relief is required you can take over-the-counter full strength paracetamol and ibuprofen.

What can you eat after Panendoscopy?

A normal diet is safe although softer foods are often easier to tolerate if your throat is sore. Some useful examples are: -Dairy foods; yoghurt, milk, smoothies, soft cheeses, ice cream. -Vegetables; steamed or boiled, mashed potatoes/ pumpkin, soups. -Fruit; pureed or stewed.

What involves Panendoscopy?

A panendoscopy is the examination of the upper aerodigestive tract (pharynx, larynx, upper trachea and oesophagus). It may also involve the removal or biopsy of any abnormal tissue found.

How do they do a Panendoscopy?

These procedures do not require a general anaesthetic. Instead, the Sedationist will administer intravenous sedation via a small needle through a vein at the back of the hand or in the arm. The injection is usually not painful.

How long does an Panendoscopy take?

It usually takes 30-60 minutes. The surgeon will put a short metal tube through your mouth into your voice box or oesophagus.

What are the risks of a Panendoscopy?

infection, chest infection, heart and lung complications and thrombosis. Death as a result of this procedure is possible. injury may result in teeth being chipped, broken or dislodged.

What is the CPT code for Panendoscopy?

CPT 30075, 30473, 30688 – Panendoscopy – Medicare Payment, Reimbursement, CPT code, ICD, Denial Guidelines.

What is Panendoscopy surgery?

A panendoscopy is the examination of the upper aerodigestive tract (pharynx, larynx, upper trachea and oesophagus). It may also involve the removal or biopsy of any abnormal tissue found. C. Risks of a panendoscopy. There are risks and complications with this procedure.

Who does a laryngoscopy?

Ear, nose, and throat specialists (also called ENT doctors or otolaryngologists) do laryngoscopies. They can do: an indirect laryngoscopy: The doctor uses a small mirror and a light to examine the larynx and vocal cords.