Why does my head and neck itch all the time?

Eczema and contact dermatitis are potential causes of neck itch, as are head lice, scabies, and pinworm. Obstructive biliary disease, caused by a blockage of the bile ducts, is condition that causes severe itching. Chronic kidney disease can also cause generalized itching.

Why does my scalp itchy but I have no dandruff?

Seborrheic dermatitis can be the result of stress, seasonal changes, fluctuating hormones, or an overgrowth of yeast on the skin. Dandruff can be caused by scalp that’s too dry, oily hair, and a variety of skin conditions. Other causes of itchy scalp include: autoimmune disorders, such as psoriasis.

Why does my scalp itch on the back of my head?

Dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis) is the most common cause of an itchy rash on the scalp in adults and tends to affect the whole scalp; psoriasis is another common cause of itchy scalp and is often found just on the back of the scalp.

Why does my head itch even after washing?

Reaction to a hair care product. An itchy, dry, and flaky scalp could be telling you that you need to do a better job of rinsing the shampoo from your hair. Leaving some shampoo on your scalp can irritate it. If you have an itchy scalp and a rash, you may have a condition called allergic contact dermatitis.

Why does my head itch when I have head lice?

Head lice (pediculosis capitis) are highly contagious, and the most prominent symptom of a head lice infestation includes intense scalp itching. The human head louse is a tiny insect that feeds on human blood. The female louse lays eggs (nits) on the hair.

What causes itching in the scalp and neck?

Contagious skin conditions causing itchy scalp and neck include head lice (pediculosis capitis) and scalp ringworm (tinea capitis), which are most often seen in children.

What are the symptoms of a lice infestation?

You may not be aware of a lice infestation. However, common signs and symptoms can include: Itching. Itching on the scalp, neck and ears is the most common symptom. This is an allergic reaction to louse saliva. When a person has an infestation for the first time, itching may not occur for two to six weeks after infestation. Lice on scalp.

How long does it take for head lice to go away?

Itching on the scalp, neck and ears is the most common symptom. This is an allergic reaction to louse saliva. When a person has an infestation for the first time, itching may not occur for two to six weeks after infestation. Lice on scalp.